It scared me a bit to have found such a person.
I remember his face.
I had just turned eighteen and I was over-anxius for my life to begin.
I was sitting on a bridge in the middle of the park.
I never do that. But for some reason the apartment air smelled like stew.
And since I never cared much for stew, I stepped outside and ran away from the smell that somehow had filled my entire neighborhood.
I followed my shoes to the park.
I sat on a bench at first. But I imagened that somehow every one that passed me by could look right thru me, seeing everything I thought of, so I left. My hair smelled almost like stew. But I had just ran out of the apartment before the smell would have taken over me. I did'nt want strangers to know what I was thinking of. My brain had always had a mind of it's own. (ha!)
So there I was, sitting at the bridge, dangling my big fat legs out at the green-flavoured water.
The ducks where looking right at me, and their eyes made me understand that they were hungry. But I had'nt brought food. I had runned out of the apartament so fast that I had'nt even brought my wallet. All I had on me was two pearls in the pocket of my jacket.
I tried to give them a sympathetic look.
And they looked back at me as like they understood.
I don't think they did though. This scene repeted itself serveral times. Either ducks are incredibly stupid animals, or I just get deja-vu experiences a lot.
I guess it was a little bit of both.
As I sat there looking complety insane, talking sign-language to the ducks,
I noticed that someone was watching me.
A long time ago I made a pact with myself not to look at those who are looking at me.
I ignored my observer, and kept on waving to the ducks.
Just a little more discreet and self-concious.
Or a lot more.
He noticed it, of course, he was just like me, he did the same things.
I just did'nt knew it at the time.
I remember exactly how he looked the first time our eyes met.
He had walked up the bridge, while I had felt his every step bouncing agaist the wooden bridge,
and for each one I would get a little more goosebumps than the one before.
It took almost 30 seconds for him to come close to me.
And even so he did'nt come that close. I never get that close either with people I don't know.
I prefer to keep my distance. I guess society had made us that way.
I looked down at the water and I saw his shoes.
They where the same model as mine. Black, with white details and they were kind of well-used I might add. My eyes started to wander up and there was no way I could stop them, they kept on wandering , without my permission, and looked at his black, tight-fitted jeans, his black and white-striped shirt that said ”The shins” on it. And so on and so fourth.
Finally my eyes stopped to wander.
They had gotten stuck watching into his. It was the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Somehow we gasped at exactly the same time, and we both tried to hide it, not in a very smooth way I might add.
”Hi.” he said.
”Hello” I responded.
We were quiet.
”This is my place, just so you know...” he said.
”Excuse me, what?”
”I said, this is my place. I come here. This is what I do. I sit. Here. A lot. Mine.”
”did you pay for it?”
”did you pay for it?”
”did I pay for what?”
”did you pay for this bridge? This water, these ducks, the grass that surrounds the bridge.
Is it yours? Did you pay for it? I don't see your name anywhere.”
”it's not mine in that way, silly.
I don't own it. I don't own anything here. I have nothing and everything in this pocket.”
”Erhm, yeah, okay. Whatever you say. ”
I stared at him and shook my head, trying as always to act so tough
and annoyed when I'm really just nervous.
This time, not so much though. I was sincerly annoyed. And amused.
He looked at me and smiled. He was amused aswell.
"Do you really like The Shins?" I asked.

"No, I just couldn't find another shirt. It's my moms."
I looked at him, not sure if he was joking or not.
He understood my hesitation and responded.
”haha, no, I'm kidding, obvoiusly. To answer your question, yes, yes I do like The Shins.
Don't you?”
”I guess. I've seen Garden State and all, Natalie Portman may have convinced Braff, but it wasn't like I was jumping off my chair listening to ”Oh, inverted world”.
”that's your problem, you haven't heard ”Chutes too narrow”. You have to have all the facts before you make such radical statements about The Shins.”
”So, what, now you're Natalie all of a sudden? Okay, I see the resembelance in the eyes and all, but I think you're a little too masculine to pull it off.”
”You on the other hand make a wonderful Zach Braff, just as you are, my dear.”
At that moment I was so close to just take a swing at him with my left palm and throw him into the lake with the ducks. But his green, glowing eyes and sudden charm stopped me.
It saved his clothes from smelling green.

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